
Best Memes of the Week - For The Romantics

I did mean to get this posted yesterday, but life has a way of sidetracking you from such lofty responsibilities as this. Better late than never!

When your love makes you think of Oreo’s…it might not be so sweet

Welcome to the futur….oh crap

Dems sure do have it good…

Nancy’s psych drugs sure do have to work overtime to keep her going

Now that’s sound logic

Gotta love Democrats who drone on about climate change in the middle of a normal blizzard

Let’s fire some shots

If you are waiting for AOC to make a bigger fool of herself, just wait another week and she’ll top it:

Let’s see what you’ve got in the comments and have a fun weekend!

Spartan Hero

Written by Spartan Hero

I'm a gamer and a small businessman. A native of Utah, I also enjoy writing, researching politics & religion and spending time with the family when I have the chance.

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