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in Open ThreadMueller Is Here!
One, two Mueller’s coming for you…
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in Open Thread“The released report raises more questions than it answers”
Meme Mania Thread!
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in Open Thread, OpinionWho will die in GAME OF THRONES tonight?
Bye bye Jamie Lannister…
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in Open ThreadCaturday: Click Click Meow
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in Open Thread, StupidityJulian Assange gives the Brit’s the slip while David Letterman is hauled to an MI6 black site
Russian Confusion
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in Open ThreadBREAKING: Trump cuts off foreign aid to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras OT
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in Open ThreadBREAKING: MAGA Rally in Michigan Tomorrow Open Thread
Can’t wait for this one!
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in News, Open Thread, OpinionThe Death of Russian Collusion: Vlad, impaled
“Donald, what is best in life?”
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in Open ThreadCaturday Mueller Gloat Thread
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in Open ThreadCaturday OT
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in Open ThreadDogs Are Way Better Than Cats OT
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in Open ThreadThank God It’s Caturday!
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in Open ThreadExploding Whale Open Thread
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in Open ThreadOpen Thread
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in Open ThreadIt’s Caturday!
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