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in OpinionA Bootlegger’s Tale
The Old Man delivered The Goods…
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in OpinionTrump - Dems “Defrauding the Public With Ridiculous Bullsh-“
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in OpinionRemember When Michael Avenatti Predicted A Trump Jr. Indictment?
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in OpinionHollywood “Snowflakes” Have a Meltdown Over Mueller Report
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in OpinionMichael Avenatti Expects To Be ‘Fully Exonerated’
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in OpinionLet’s Give Away the MOON for VOTES!
Pandering done right!
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in OpinionAssessing the Impact of the Mueller Report Release
A reckoning for the media?
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in News, Open Thread, OpinionThe Death of Russian Collusion: Vlad, impaled
“Donald, what is best in life?”
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in OpinionShould we separate America into cities and states?
Time for radical transformation?
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in OpinionIs the Electoral College Compact a stalking horse for national dis-unification?
A cold Civil War